Igloo Building Day

Drop in between 2:00 and 5:30 pm to try your hand at igloo building. It's cool!

Game Day

Let's play (almost) all day. Drop in for a game or two from the library's collection or bring your own. Challenge your friends and family or meet players at the library.

Meet a Musher

Meet musher Karen Land to learn about her experiences in the Iditarod.

Recycle in Your World

In honor of Earth Day in April, Bettie Jacobs from the Jay County Solid Waste Management District will bring a free recycling presentation to explain what you can do in your world. Kids and adults are invited to attend in the Community Room.

Friends of the Library Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Friends who support the Jay County Public Library. Come early at 6:00 pm to help fold the newsletter and get the scoop on library news.

Writers Guild

Have you ever wondered how easy it is to publish an eBook? Coyla will be giving a demonstration on how to format and upload your story to sell online at Amazon and Smashwords.